I just wanted to welcome you guys to my new blog here. I'm excited to get some valuable information out for you guys and I look forward to connecting with some of my readers. Stay tuned!
If you've been managing your print shop for any more than a few months, odds are you've had to redo some jobs due to mistakes made on your end. It happens to the best of us - but it doesn't have to. If you've been running your shop for any time at all, I'm sure you know the frustration of redoing a custom job. All those materials and man hours gone to waste and a high probability you won't be seeing that customer again. We just went from pocketing a nice profit to spending more than we're getting paid. This is far from ideal, and if it happens regularly it's a serious problem. So this begs the question: How can we avoid this from happening ever again? Communication. Plain and simple. Nine times out of ten if I had to redo a job for a customer it was because of poor communication between members of my staff. Make sure that you have a system in place to be able to keep track of open print jobs easily. You should also have work orders with clear...
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